Thanking our Volunteers

Riverside Language volunteers came together for a Volunteer Recognition Event on November 18, 2019. The event celebrated the 70-plus volunteers who support the Riverside Language program each year through their participation in Language Labs and the B'nai Jeshurun Resume Writing Workshop. 

Each of the four classes made special presentations to the volunteers. The students thanked them for their time, dedication, and commitment. Two brave students even stood at the podium to sing songs in English and their native languages.

In Riverside tradition, there was a country roll call, which highlights the myriad nationalities represented in our classes. In this current group of students, 27 countries were represented!

The event ended with lively rounds of square dancing. As students and volunteers took to the dance floor, we again were reminded of the special community Riverside brings together, as students and volunteers from around the world linked arms and enjoyed each other's company.