Thanking our Volunteers

Riverside Language volunteers came together for a Volunteer Recognition Event on November 18, 2019. The event celebrated the 70-plus volunteers who support the Riverside Language program each year through their participation in Language Labs and the B'nai Jeshurun Resume Writing Workshop. 

Each of the four classes made special presentations to the volunteers. The students thanked them for their time, dedication, and commitment. Two brave students even stood at the podium to sing songs in English and their native languages.

In Riverside tradition, there was a country roll call, which highlights the myriad nationalities represented in our classes. In this current group of students, 27 countries were represented!

The event ended with lively rounds of square dancing. As students and volunteers took to the dance floor, we again were reminded of the special community Riverside brings together, as students and volunteers from around the world linked arms and enjoyed each other's company.  

Alumni Spotlight: Rufina Aleyeva

Rufina Aleyeva (right) is delighted to reunite with her teacher, Ross Burningham, and her good friend and classmate, Anna Sobolksva.

Rufina Aleyeva (right) is delighted to reunite with her teacher, Ross Burningham, and her good friend and classmate, Anna Sobolksva.

“I was very nervous because I didn’t know what to expect in a new city, in a new country with a language that I don’t speak. Thankfully, I found Riverside Language School, which helped me a lot,” recalls Rufina Aleyeva, who arrived in New York City with her family in 2009.

Rufina grew up in a small city in Kazakhstan and studied foreign affairs at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, one of the leading universities in the country. Upon her arrival in New York, she and her brother enrolled in language courses at Riverside.  Rufina was placed in Ross Burningham’s level 4 class.  "I was shy to communicate with other people. I was scared that I would make a mistake and that people would laugh at me or not understand me. But day by day, by speaking with Ross and the other students, I gained my confidence and started to talk to everyone,” said Rufina.

“‘You have to practice. You have to read books and read the advertisements, even if you don’t understand anything. Just keep going,’” said Rufina, fondly remembering the advice he gave her.  “And I listened to him." 

Ten years later, Rufina is now a benefits navigator for NADAP, which provides healthcare enrollment assistance and other medical services to low-income New Yorkers. In this role, Rufina has come back to Riverside and is helping students access health insurance.

“I’m very thankful to Riverside for the opportunity to improve my English. Without Riverside, I also wouldn’t have found my best friend Anna, who is from Russia, and came as an immigrant as well. I’m glad that I can come back to help RIverside students with the health insurance enrollment, and have them practice their English with me,” said Rufina.

Riverside and B'nai Jeshurun partner to offer Resume Workshops

Many Riverside students need help finding work.  In addition to the workforce readiness skills integrated into their English language classes, RLP students benefit from the support of a group of volunteers from B’nai Jeshurun’s Refugee and Immigration Committee. 

Led by Debra Kalmuss, a professor at Columbia University, the job preparedness team works with RLP students to develop critical skills needed to enter into the workforce in their new country.  Professor Kalmuss was kind enough to share her account of how the Resume Workshops were created and the methodology that the volunteers bring to their work. "The curriculum was developed by volunteers, and it is taught by volunteers," said Kalmuss.

Initially, the focus of the workshop was on resume writing skills. The curriculum has evolved, based on student feedback, to include computer-based job searches, tailoring responses to a job ad, presenting yourself succinctly, and even post-graduation mentoring.

The workshops, which started with two teachers, are now supported by two additional instructors and a core of volunteers. After the 3-day workshops, each participating RLP student is paired with a BJ mentoring volunteer. Together, they prioritize an area of work, such as continuing to develop the student's resume or identifying additional training in the student's field of interest. 

Kalmuss reports, “We have stories from post-graduation mentors who have essentially helped students move into employment, so they stayed with them to the point that students have found jobs. We've been doing this for four years, and we have probably served between 250 and 280 students. Their evaluations are very, very positive."

Riverside launches Alumni Network

Scores of alumni returned to Riverside on November 7 to reconnect with fellow classmates and teachers at the first annual Alumni Network reception.

Scores of alumni returned to Riverside on November 7 to reconnect with fellow classmates and teachers at the first annual Alumni Network reception.

On November 7, 2019, former students, current and former staff, and volunteers gathered at Riverside to celebrate the launch of the Riverside Language Program Alumni Network.

The Alumni Network was created to help Riverside graduates connect with each other through events and celebrations, keep up to date on information about career and educational opportunities, and develop skills through various workshops and trainings offered at Riverside. 

Riverside Language Program alumni are part of a thriving community committed to supporting the school's mission of helping newly arrived New Yorkers obtain the skills and supports they need to integrate into their new homes.

If you are a Riverside alum and would like to join the Network, sign up here:

We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events!

Proud alumna Rufina Aleyeva speaks at the Alumni Network Launch reception.

Proud alumna Rufina Aleyeva speaks at the Alumni Network Launch reception.

Alumni Spotlight: Oleksii Porokh

Oleksii Porokh, with his wife Anna, a fellow student, shows off his metalwork.

Oleksii Porokh, with his wife Anna, a fellow student, shows off his metalwork.

Oleksii Porokh arrived in New York from Ukraine six months ago, speaking very little English. He enrolled at Riverside Language Program and studied with Doris Athineos’ Level 1 class. “Every day at Riverside we learn something new and talk-talk-talk and then I go home and watch American cartoons with my son,” says Oleksii.

Today, Oleksii works as a skilled metalsmith at the only metal foundry in the United States that still makes architectural hardware by hand. After learning about his background, teacher Doris Athineos connected Oleksii to the 162-year-old architectural hardware firm P.E. Guerin, whose customers include Gracie Mansion and the White House.

Oleksii studied at the prestigious Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, where he concentrated in art and jewelry casting. “It was a very big surprise for me to find a foundry in the middle of New York City,” says the artisan, “I sent my aunt a photo of the foundry and she started crying. Metalsmithing is in our blood.”

Berta Colón named new Executive Director


After serving as Acting Director of the Riverside Language Program for the past year, Berta Colón has been named Executive Director. Berta takes over for Sally Nelson, who announced last year that she would be leaving the organization to return to England.

Prior to joining Riverside, Berta held several leadership positions in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors, including serving as Co-President of NEO Philanthropy, a public charity committed to building strong social justice movements across the country. Berta is a graduate of Barnard College and holds a master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.

Since joining Riverside, Berta’s top priority has been to establish a diverse and sustainable funding base for the organization. In her new role, she will work closely with the Board of Directors to increase donor engagement, build field partnerships, and develop an alumni network.  

"The Board is delighted to have Berta as its Executive Director. She brings to the organization a great passion for our mission, strong management experience, and the dedication to expand and diversify our financial base. As we celebrate our 40th year, we have great confidence that Berta will continue the organization's success and build a vision for Riverside's future,” said Board Chair Luana Alesio.

As the organization marks a 40 year milestone, Berta is focused on the future. Working closely with the staff and Board, she is continuing to expand the breadth of services Riverside currently offers, in addition to its top-quality English language instruction, to ensure the successful integration of newly arrived immigrants for the next 40 years. 

Congratulations to the Class of 2019

Student Karina Krochak performs a song she wrote about Riverside Language Program for the graduation ceremony.

Over 100 Cycle 6 students graduated on June 28, 2019. After studying English full-time for at least six weeks, Riverside students proudly presented poetry, songs, and speeches they had written to mark the occasion. The event featured a roll call of student home countries that highlighted Riverside’s rich diversity. Over the past year, the school has welcomed students from 59 different countries. 

Also in attendance were several Language Lab volunteers, who had worked with our graduates over the course of their studies. Our Language Lab volunteers support Riverside by participating in conversation sessions that build our students’ confidence to speak English with native speakers.

Rally for Literacy

RLP student Renzo Hernandez participates in #LiteracyLiftsNYC rally

RLP student Renzo Hernandez participates in #LiteracyLiftsNYC rally

On May 29, RLP students joined the #LiteracyLiftsNYC rally, led by the New York City Coalition for Adult Literacy, to advocate for increased adult literacy support. Students gathered in front of City Hall to call on Mayor Bill de Blasio to assign permanent funding for English language classes and adult education programs for New Yorkers.

RLP Level 4 student Eduardo Salazar took the stage and spoke about his experience as a journalist from Venezuela, who immigrated to New York City, and learned English through free classes at Riverside.

At the rally, City Councilman Carlos Menchaca said “Adult education is a human right.” On June 14, the City Council passed the FY2019 budget, which included $12 million for adult literacy.